Season 1: Episode 4 - Restorative Justice in Schools

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We know that overuse of suspension, expulsion, and other harsh disciplinary policies in schools increases the likelihood that youth will enter the juvenile or criminal justice systems. This impacts youth of color, LGBTQ youth, and youth with different learning abilities at a disproportionate rate compared to their white counterparts.

In this episode we sit down with Jessica Nordquist and Nolica Murray to talk about how restorative justice practices can play a crucial role in changing this reality for our schools.

Show Notes:


Nolica Murray - currently is the Assistant Director of School based programs at the Center for Youth Services and is a board member for Partners in Restorative Initiatives 

Center for youth partners with youth to realize their full potential, by creating opportunities, removing barriers and promoting social justice.

Jessica Nordquist -  a social worker with 20+ years of experience currently working in RCSD as the school climate and culture coordinator at NE high school. Jess is the person who has been helping students find their way to camp as campers and staff for several years now.

The Social Discipline Window - is a concept with broad application in many settings. It describes four approaches to maintaining social norms and behavioral boundaries. The four are represented as different combinations of high or low control and high or low support. The restorative domain combines both high control and high support and is characterized by doing things with people, rather than to them or for them.

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Remember to Subscribe!


Season 1: Episode 5 - Systems and Communities: The Bigger Picture of Restorative Justice


Season 1: Episode 3 - Restorative Justice at Summer Camp