Season 1: Episode 2 - Race and Restorative Justice


In this second episode, Laura and Klee talk about the intersection between the racial justice movement, and the restorative justice movement. Their guest is Nina Tucker, an educator and activist based in New Paltz, New York.

Social justice movements like the civil rights movement were grounded in truth telling, non-violence, and engaging the enemy with compassion. Those principals are core to the restorative justice movement as well. Without an understanding of racial justice, one cannot fully understand restorative justice. Join us as we uncover the relationship and intersectionality between the two.

Show Notes:

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Nina Tucker - Nina is an educator, activist, and graduate student based in New York. While procuring her Master’s degree, she predominantly works as a composition instructor at SUNY New Paltz during the school year. The curriculums which she designs for her college students are heavily centered around social justice, and have been deeply informed by her previous experience with children of all ages.

The combination of Nina’s roles as an educator and BLM organizer informs her ability to deliver activities and information that is impactful and educational.  She has spoken at numerous protests, and continues to do work with local grassroots organizations daily in order to bring the change she wants to see into the world.

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Season 1: Episode 3 - Restorative Justice at Summer Camp


Season 1: Episode 1 - What is Restorative Justice?