How Do We Stay Honest? - The Documentary Work in Progress

This summer, Quarius partnered with MDOCS to start work on a documentary about camp. We believe Stomping Ground is full of stories and we want to share them with the world. Below are 2 videos that give you a little look into what the final product might look like as well as Q’s reflections on storytelling.

This is one of the first meetings we had with ad staff. At this point in making the documentary, it was just about trying a bunch of things. Simply hitting record was really all I was thinking. This clip shows a glimpse of the intention that goes into our culture setting. Summer camp has a lot of high energy fun moments fueled by moments like this. I hope to share more of these moments that you typically don’t think of when looking at camp.

Every day during first option, for a few days, I’d do footage review with campers. It was fire I can’t lie. We’d watch interviews and other vids and chat about them. I wanted to do some interviews this day because we tend to perform when we’re in front of the camera. It naturally is a lot of pressure so I was hoping to break down the experience by having everyone interviewing each other. I’m searching for ways to interview that allow them to show up more comfortably.

There’s a lot of things going on here every day during the summer.  It’s a beautiful place with so many stories being told. How do we stay honest? In trying so many things I hope to stay on the path of honest expression. Being able to experiment with ideas and share in that with the community is a part of this process I really value. A fun piece of content is easy. How does what you create allow people to meet themselves? This is what’s always going through my mind when thinking about what a long project would look like.


Quarius is the Media Director and undisputed gaga champ of Camp Stomping Ground. This summer he began collecting footage for a future documentary about camp. Q loves pro wrestling, storytelling, and being a cat dad. Follow along for more about the documentary as the project takes shape.


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